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Toyota: the safety of all employees and their families in Japan are in the foreground - the production is exposed to 3 days

Cologne. Employees of Toyota Germany and all German organizations Toyota connected to express its deepest sympathy to the Japanese people affected by the earthquake. The Japanese security cooperation, workers and their families in the hotel now stands in the foreground. The Toyota Motor Corporation in Japan, production for the next three days has been exposed, to determine whether all employees and employees of subcontractors, including their families healthy and safe.

At the same time the convoys began in the most affected regions in northeastern Japan. A convoy of trucks loaded with food, among other things, blankets and portable toilets, and more vehicles with fuel supplies and water are already in place to provide people with the most essential things. In addition, shipments are planned, also a first donation of ¥ 300 000 000 previews.

For Europe, which is now no shortage of supply, as most of the vehicles sold in Europe are produced. Parts for these vehicles have made ​​Europe more than 90 percent. All vehicles produced in Japan, determined in the coming weeks to customers in Europe, have already sent. Since the ship about six weeks on the road is not expected in the coming weeks with delays in delivery.

The current situation makes available to all employees, distributors and suppliers in Japan very difficult. Once the most current information is available from there, to be published.

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