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Provides training in the service of peace-building Kosovo's 200 soldiers

Bern - soldiers, who attend the training course for Swisscoy as drivers can renew at the time of his new certificate of  authority to transport passengers or goods. The training center SWISSINT gained sufficient for this recognition of the Association of Road Traffic Offices.

About 200 women and men are in training this week for the six-month mission to Kosovo in Stans Oberdorf compromised. For eight to twelve weeks, the soldiers, NCOs and officers within the inside will be prepared for deployment. In particular, transport SWISSINT Skills Training can become an innovation. Recognized Transit Association training allows offices during the driver training course to renew their certificate of competency transport passengers or goods. This will last for five years and is renewable, provided that the evidence that within 35 hours of continuing education were completed. The drivers of the Swisscoy 24, the first to benefit from this opportunity.

The new training structures SWISSINT also allow the simultaneous instruction of LMT (liaison and monitoring equipment) for the Swisscoy in Kosovo and LOT (liaision and observation equipment) for use in support of EUFOR Althea in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

This liaison and monitoring teams will be this year for the first time jointly prepared for their mission. On 24 Swisscoy contingent under the command of Lieutenant Colonel of Staff of Christians Stefan. Finally, the official 42-year career in the Military Academy at ETH Zurich worked. The six-month deployment of 24 starts Swisscoy 7 April 2011 and lasts until October 6, 2011. In the 24 th Swisscoy share are 15 women to do the service of peace in Kosovo.

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